1. Organizing Authority
The OPEN CROATIAN CHAMPIONSHIP 2015. is organized by the SC “Tijat” Vodice under the authority of Croatian association ORC boats, Croatian Sailing Federation and overall authority of the Offshore Racing Congress (ORC) and the International Sailing Federation (ISAF).
2. Rules
2.1 The regatta will be governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing.
2.2 The following rules will also apply:
a) International Measurement System IMS
b) ORC International rating system
c) Offshore Special Regulations for Category 4
d) Croatian ORC Cup rules
2.3 If there is a conflict between languages the English text will take precedence.
3. Advertising
ISAF Advertising Code will apply. Competitors & boats advertising will be without restriction. Event Advertising by the organizing authority will be:
a) Bow numbers with advertisement which have to be displayed as forward as possible on the both sides of the first 20% of the hull
b) Advertisement to be displayed on the both sides of the foremost 20% of the mainsail boom
c) Sponsor’s flag that has to be flown on the backstay throughout whole event
The Organizing Authority may also require the installation, at no cost to competitors, onboard video cameras, or global position devices.
4. Eligibility
Competitors shall comply with ISAF Eligibility Code. The regatta is open to all boats with valid ORC International certificate with GPH < 700 s/NM. All sailors shall be verified at their national sailing authorities.
Boats can be divided in two classes (Class A GPH < 601, Class B GPH >= 601 with separate results).
5. Entries and entry fee
5.1 Entries should be submitted to the organiser with the copy of rating certificate before 04 November 2015 by on-line entry form, post or e-mail. Late entries may be accepted at organiser's discretion.
5.2 The non-refundable entry fee is determined by the date of entry and entry fee receipt as follows:
Entry and entry fee received Entry fee
before 06. 11. 2015. 300 Kn each crew member
Bank details:
Jedriličarski klub “Tijat” - Vodice – Zagrebačka banka, Croatia
IBAN 9523600001102272904 SWIFT: ZABAHR2X
5.3 A boat is considered Pre-registered if the following documents are received before 05 November, 2015:
a) Completed entry from
b) Current ORC International certificate
c) Entry fee payment confirmation
5.4 The organiser is not responsible for any costs incurred by the non-acceptance of a boat's registration.
6. Registration
6.1 Each owner or skipper must personally register in the Race Office in YC Tijat from 14:00 on , 05th November 2015 until 09:00 on Friday, 06th November 2015.
6.2 The following documents shall be presented at registration:
a) Valid ORC International certificate issued before 05.11.2015.
b) Valid third party insurance
c) If advertising is displayed, a respective National Authority permission
d) Crew list with name and sailing license number
e) Contact phone both on boat and land, including the name of contact person
f) Liability acceptance form, duly filled out and signed
This changes RRS 78.2
6.3 No changes shall be made on ORC certificates after 05.11.2015. unless prescribed by the Measurement Committee and Jury's approval.
6.4 Measurement protests by the boats shall be accepted up to one hour after the posting of the final ratings.
6.5 Crew lists may be amended up to 09:00 on Friday, 06th Novemberl 2015 by filling a new form showing the changes. After this time, changes in crew may be made only with the written permission of the Jury.
7. Schedule
7.1 Thursday Novemberl 05th Registration
Friday November 06th Registration -12 :00 Windward/Leeward races
Saturday November 20th 11:00 Windward/Leeward races
Sunday November 21th 11:00 Windward/Leeward races
Prize giving
Organizer may change the schedule.
7.2 Seven ( 7 ) Windward/Leeward races are scheduled. The regatta is valid if at least 1 race are completed. One discard of worst result will be allowed when 4 or more races are completed.
8. Measurement
All boats shall be available for the possible inspection from Thursday, Novemberl 05th at 16:00 until Friday, Novemberl 06th at 09:00.
9. Sailing Instructions
Sailing Instructions will be available for each entrant at completion of the registration formalities.
12. Morrings
Organiser will provide moorings free of charge for all boats entering OPEN CROATIAN ORC I CHAMPIONSHIP 2015 in Port of Vodice from Thursday, Novemberl 05h, 2015 till Sunday, Novemberl 08th, 2015.
13. Registration of arrival in Croatia
All foreign participants of OPEN CROATIAN ORC I CHAMPIONSHIP 2015 are excused of payment of tax for the registration of arrival and stay of foreign yacht or boat in territorial sea and coastal waters of the Republic of Croatia from OPEN CROATIAN ORC I CHAMPIONSHIP 2015 All foreign boats shall register at first custom office when entering Croatian territorial sea.
14. Media rights
Competitors, owners and their guests give absolute right and permission to the Organising Authority for any photography and video footage taken of persons and boats during the event, to be published and/or broadcast in any media, including but not limited to TV advertisements, whatsoever for either editorial or advertising purposes or to be used in press information.
15. Prizes
Trophies will be awarded to;
- the best three boats
Organiser may also give additional prizes.
16. Discalimer of Liability
All those taking part in the regatta do so at their own risk and responsibility. The organising authority, SC Tijatl, CSF and any other party involved in the organisation of the OPEN CROATIAN ORC I CHAMPIONSHIP 2015 disclaim any and all responsibility whatsoever for loss, damage injury or inconvenience that might occur to persons and materials, both ashore and at sea as a consequence of participation in the event. Each boat owner or his representative accepts these terms by signing entry form. The attention of competitors is drawn to ISAF Part 1 Fundamental Rule 4: A boat is solely responsible for deciding whether or not to start or to continue racing.
17. Further Information
For further information please contact:
Sailing Club Tijat Vodice Tel. +385 mob. 0038591530 7146
HR 22 111 Vodice web: www.tijat.adriatica.biz
CROATIA e-mail:
Open CRO Nationals - ORCi - Notice of Race